Bridal bouquet


Lewis and Louise’s wedding at Wylam Brewery was another day to remember at the Palace of Arts. Tucked away in Exhibition Park in Newcastle upon Tyne, the Palace of Arts is a majestic grade II listed building surrounded by so much tranquility you can easily forget you are bang in the middle of the busy city of Newcastle. Home also to Wylam Brewery, it is the perfect place for a wedding.

Louise and Lewis had their ceremony at the lovely St Joseph’s church in Blaydon before heading over to the Palace for their reception. A highlight of the ceremony for me was the vicar accidentally calling Lewis ‘Louise’!

One of the great features of this venue is having access to the brewery itself for photos. It really offers something different to your traditional wedding venue. It also means you don’t have to go outside for photos at all if the weather isn’t playing ball.

If you have booked a wedding here, please get in touch to check your date!

Bride and groom with their dog
Wedding at Wylam Brewery // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
Wedding at Wylam Brewery // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
Wedding at Wylam Brewery // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
The Palace of Arts wedding at Wylam Brewery by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner


The Palace of Arts wedding at Wylam Brewery by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner
The Palace of Arts wedding at Wylam Brewery by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner



If you’re getting married at Wylam Brewery (or anywhere else for that matter!) and would like your big day captured in photos like these please get in touch!

I’d love to hear all about your plans so please click the button below and tell me all about your wedding!

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