Bride in floral dress holding bouquet


Emily and Sam’s Shortflatt Tower wedding was my last of an incredible 2022, and what a way to end the year! Shortflatt Tower looked amazing dressed in the rustic woodland theme Emily and Sam had chosen, a perfect match for this exclusive wedding venue. This was my first time shooting here, a beautiful country house with lovely walled gardens. It really does look like something out of a fairy tale. It also boasts some of the best doors and windows I’ve seen in a wedding venue – that light!

I’ve always been a huge advocate for a less traditional wedding, and love it when couples choose outfits that are more an expression of their own individual style. Emily and Sam couldn’t have chosen better outfits to compliment each other and they both looked fantastic.

A big shout out also to Grandma Anne, who was the life and soul of the party! She certainly showed the young ‘uns a thing or two on the dancefloor!

If you have booked a wedding here I’d love to capture it for you. Please get in touch to check your date!

Emily and Sam's Shortflatt Tower wedding by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner
Bride and groom with their dog
Emily and Sam's Shortflatt Tower wedding by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner
Emily and Sam's Shortflatt Tower wedding by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner
Bride with floral head piece


Emily and Sam's Shortflatt Tower wedding by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner



If you’re getting married and would like your big day captured in photos like these please get in touch.

I’d love to hear all about your plans so please click the button below and tell me all about your wedding!

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