Wylam Brewery wedding // Natalie + Tom
Natalie and Tom’s Wylam Brewery wedding was a particularly special one for me – my 200th wedding! And what a way to hit that milestone – it was a stunner! It was also a scorcher. The sun was relentless all day which just added to the summer vibes – this crowd came here to party!
Celebrant Jo of Love Jo Ceremonies conducted a beautiful ceremony – anyone thinking of having a celebrant for your wedding I would highly recommend you do so, they are so much more personal and give you the opportunity to say what you really want to!
Wylam Brewery – or the Palace of Arts to give it its posh name – is such a stunning location for a wedding. nestled away in Exhibition Park in Newcastle, it’s easy to forget you’re in the middle of a bustling city centre.
If you’ve booked a Wylam Brewery wedding please get in touch to check your date!