Bride holding her bouquet in front of floral arch


Jenny and Sam’s wedding at Shotton Grange ticked all the right boxes – a stunning venue, weather playing nice, a great bunch of guests and of course an incredibly lovely couple. Shotton Grange looks amazing at this time of year, with the leaves just starting to take on those beautiful autumnal colours. The way Jenny and Sam styled the venue was also perfect for an Autumn wedding – lots of deep oranges and other seasonal colours which really brought the best out this rustic venue.

As the couple and many of their guests are in the performing arts industry, this promised to be a great party. And it absolutely delivered.

If you are having a Shotton Grange wedding I’d love to capture it for you. Please get in touch to check your date!

Groom fastening jacket button in front of floral arch
Wedding at Shotton Grange // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
Wedding at Shotton Grange // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
Wedding at Shotton Grange // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
Jenny and Sam's Shotton Grange wedding by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner


Wedding at Shotton Grange // Andy Turner // North East Wedding Photographer
Jenny and Sam by North East wedding photographer Andy Turner



If you’re getting married at Shotton Grange (or anywhere else for that matter!) and would like your big day captured in photos like these please get in touch!

I’d love to hear all about your plans so please click the button below and tell me all about your wedding!

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